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Donald Trump Campaign Hires Las Vegas Sands Relative Michael Abboud as Communications Coordinator

Donald Trump Campaign Hires Las Vegas Sands Relative Michael Abboud as Communications Coordinator

Donald Trump is expanding their campaign staff, and one hire that is key Michael Abboud, nephew of Las Vegas Sands executive Andy Abboud. (Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Donald Trump is preparing their campaign for the stage that is final winning the White House in November over Hillary Clinton. This week the Republican nominee announced the hiring of three key roles, and the absolute most revelation that is notable the gambling community is the employing of Michael Abboud.

Abboud is the nephew of Andy Abboud, the Las Vegas Sands vice that is senior of government relations and community development. Las vegas Sands is owned by billionaire Sheldon Adelson who’s got pledged $100 million to Trump’s efforts.

Based on the Trump campaign, Abboud will ‘execute the campaign’s fast response and day-to-day messaging.’ The 26-year-old will also offer Trump with briefings and news that is breaking.

‘I am constantly building a superior political team,’ Trump said in a statement as we continue to work to defeat Hillary Clinton this November. ‘We are taking our communications to your people so that people can Make United states Great Again.’

Scratch My Back, Scratch Yours

Adelson is amongst the staunchest supporters of the GOP. While the billionaire has historically spread his donations across Republican prospects, in 2016 he’s going all-in with Trump.

In addition to being one of the Republ Continue reading “Donald Trump Campaign Hires Las Vegas Sands Relative Michael Abboud as Communications Coordinator”